Monday, November 26, 2012

Mr. Right?

But wait.....I haven't posted in a year?  Where have I been?

Let's rewind to last Christmas break where, after a few cocktails, I ranted the following:

"I'm done dating.  Done.  Unless someone introduces me to someone that is: tall, because let's be honest, I can't stand short guys even though I'm at best 5'3"; has a job he likes, even if that's as a trash man, because I don't care what he does, just that he likes doing it; has grown children, because someone who doesn't have kids of his own might want them and I don't need a baby all up in here ever again; has a sense of humor, because I'm damn funny; enjoys sports, but doesn't have to live, die, breathe them every weekend; and has dead parents because I'm done with in-laws, then I'm finished, never again." 

And so, I gave up.  Surrendered to the universe that he, as mentioned or described above, did not exist.  I mean really....the dead parents thing alone should have cursed me in and of itself.

Until January 2012 when the bringer of the apocalypse, a.k.a my client Michael, said "You need to meet Pete.  He's cool."  

And now, as I'm approaching a year with a man who fits all of the descriptions above, as well as my previous blogged about qualities of: 
  • "Be kind, be funny, be trustworthy, be someone my kids could meet, and be responsible."  (from November 2011or 
  • "Mr. Fiscal Conservative, Family Man, Brutally Honest/Trustworthy, Faithful, Sports Loving, Show Tune Tolerant, Stable, Bit of a Geek" (from April 2010) or even more telling; 
It's weird, it's fantastic.......and it means this particular blog is closed. Done.  Fin.  Adios.  

If you want to track my antics, feel free to head back to where I'll be writing about my foray back into sole proprietor land as an independent real estate agent / mom of two teenagers / girlfriend (gasp!) / friend, I'd love to have an audience for more regular rantings, which aren't always about any of those aforementioned things.