So, Mr. Patience (formerly known as Mr. Bellyflop) who throughout the last several weeks has been quite understanding with my neurotically horrific schedule, asked if I wanted to go out to dinner on one of my completely kid free evenings. Dinner out? Yes. I wasn't sure there was a great connection here, but he was relaxing and kindof fun, so what the hell. (Yeah, I went for the steak.)
At dinner he got up to use the bathroom twice. I thought that was odd, especially for a dude. I guess if I dated women it would be more "natural", but I don't date women and thus, I don't get it when my date gets up twice to go to the bathroom.
During dinner we discussed movies and some of our favorites. The Departed is definitely one that I could watch multiple times. Especially with a newbie.
Spoiler alert for those that haven't seen this brilliant film: When Leo's head explodes it's just a cinematically perfect moment. And so, since this guy knew my address already I figured he could come back to my place and we could watch a movie. Seemed like a good Sunday night activity. Potential for some high-schoolesque making out, but not really anything more. That is, until....
He revealed that he was too drunk to probably do "very much" with me tonight because, well, he'd had multiple drinks at the Bronco party before picking me up and thus, well, couldn' get the point (which he couldn't....sorry).
Here's the issue:
#1 - I wasn't necessarily planning on sleeping with him. I don't know him very well, there's no crazy chemistry and I'm picky.
#2 - "You picked me up drunk?!?!" This really was #1, but I figured I should reveal the other first in case my parents read this.
(I'm a first born and seek approval.) He was sheepish, but said that he didn't think it would affect anything. Ummmmm. Not okay. He's a big guy and wasn't showing any signs of intoxication when he came to my door (maybe the chronic urination should have revealed something to me), but I rode in a car with him. I informed him that as a single mom and really the only reliable parent my kids have, it's pretty damned important that I not do stupid shit like get in the car with a guy who's had that much to drink. And so, he went home, I took a sleeping pill and had a blissful kid free evening.
Oh and, #3 - He used the phrase "don't matter none to me" once during dinner. Without #2, I still probably would have ended it.